Meet Amy Lovsin, founder of The Lovsin Company. In 2019, with the onslaught of a global pandemic Amy, along with millions of others found herself plunged into an uncertain world, filled with fear and anxiety.

It quickly became apparent that she needed to find a way to ground herself and set about using her creative spirit to cultivate a sanctuary, a place of healing and rituals. The instinctive need to find a source of light even on the darkest of days, THE CANDLE, became a central part of her daily rituals.

Through thoughtful consideration, as to what it meant to create a healing space, The Lovsin Company was born. Amy knew that she wanted her candles to create an immersive experience of both scent and sight. Having spent countless days and nights pouring over techniques, sourcing the highest quality oils, creating the perfect vessels, the just right wick, a LOVSIN candle is poised to become the focal point of the ultimate ritual experience.

The creation of each candle is itself a ritual undertaking, crafted with love and intention by providing hours of delight to any room or experience The Lovsin Candle becomes part of.

Imbued with a new found sense of purpose and vitality, Amy through the Lovsin Company will continue to draw inspiration from engaging with her clients and the world around her, co-creating and curating new sources of light and joy along the way !

All imagery taken by Sunshine Arcilla


Toronto, ON